Minggu, 07 November 2010


Media bisnis & Investasi terkemuka membuka peluang karir bagi anda untuk bergabung sebagai :

Bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan pencarian berita, melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber, dan melakukan pengumpulan data khusus yang terkait dengan bidang keuangan, investasi, bisnis, serta peluang usaha.
syarat :
- Usia max 27 tahun
- Lulus S1 segala jurusan
- Menyukai dunia jurnalistik khususnya bidang ekonomi
- Mempunyai pengalaman organisasi / pelatihan / magang bidang jurnalistik

Melakukan liputan yang berkaitan dengan bisnis, investasi, kebijakan ekonomi nasional, industri keuangan, dan pengembangan usaha magang bidang jurnalistik.
syarat :
- Usia max 27 tahun
- Lulus S1
- Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai reporter / jurnalistik minimal 2 tahun

Bertanggung jawab dalam mengkoordinir pencarian berita, penugasan reporter, editing, dan mengolah data riset hasil liputan
syarat :
- Usia max 32 tahun
- Lulus S1 segala jurusan
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris (aktif)
- Pengalaman sebagai jurnalistik media ekonomi kurang lebih 5 tahun.

Kirimkan lamaran, CV, dan pas foto terbaru anda ke:
HR. Department
Penerbit Media Bisnis & Investasi Kontan
Jl. Kebayoran Lama No. 1119, Jakarta 12210
P:536 1289 ext. 1500; email : hrd@kontan.co.id


UNICEF Indonesia welcomes applications from qualified Indonesian national candidates for the following vacancies listed at the bottom of the page. Each candidate should provide their full curriculum vitae, updated P11 form and latest Performance Evaluations accompanied by a recent identity photograph and photocopies of diplomas addressed to:

Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF
Wisma Metropolitan II, 11th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 31 Jakarta 12920

Or send electronically to: jakartahr@unicef.org
(Please quote the post title for which you are applying for in the subject line)

Paid employment

If you are an Indonesian national seeking employment with UNICEF in Indonesia or a non-Indonesian national seeking short-term consultancy work with us, you can find details of current vacancies at the bottom of this page. Please note the instructions for applying for each vacancy, including the email address to send your application, the vacancy number and the closing date.

If you are a non-Indonesian national seeking a post with UNICEF in Indonesia, or are interested in vacancies in one of our other duty stations around the world, please visit our global website here.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will normally be contacted by our office.

Volunteers and interns

UNICEF Indonesia does not normally have the capacity to accept volunteers, but if you are interested in offering your services on a voluntary basis please do send your CV and cover note to jakarta@unicef.org as there are occasional opportunities that arise.

The UNICEF intern programme is managed through our headquarters in New York, and there are specific criteria for applying for an internship. For more information please go to the intern page on our global website.

Current vacancies with UNICEF Indonesia


INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA DESEMBER 2010 TERBARU DI PT. Permata adalah perusahaan yg bergerak di bidang penyedia jasa tenaga kerja,yang saat ini sedang berkembang dan membutuhkan banyak karyawan untuk memenuhi permintaan klien.

Gedung Permata Indonesia
Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama No.225, Jakarta 12220
Tel (62 21) 726 5362 (hunting) Fax : (62 21) 727 86 574.

Lowongan Kerja Desember 2010 untuk :

1. BNI Card Premier consultant
2. Card Aqutition Manager
3. Call Center
4. Tellemarketing
5. Card sales Executive
6. Sales Promotion Girl
7. Unit Link Specialist ( insurance n investasi )
8. Sales counter

Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta

# Persyaratan :

1. BNI Card Premier Consultant Pria / Wanita, Usia maks 27 Tahun
# Pendidikan min D3 , semua jurusan
# Good Looking
# Networking yang luas
# Jenjang Karier
# Gaji Pokok , Insentive , Bonus

# 2. Card aquitition Manager Pendidikan min D3 , semua jurusan
# Pria / Wanita , Usia maks 40 th
# Pengalaman manage team di card min 1th
# Menguasai tehnik canvasing, exebhition, corporate
# Gaji Pokok 3,2 s/d 5 juta
# Komisi,jamsostek,bonus
# Jenjang Karier

# 3. Call Center Pria / Wanita, usia maks 27
# Pendidikan min D3, semua jurusan
# Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
# Bersedia kerja sifthing
# Gaji Pokok , insentive n bonus
# Komunikatif
# Jenjang Karier

# 4. Tellemarketing Pria / Wanita , usia 20 s/d 30 th
# Pendidikan min SMU sederajat
# Komunikatif
# fresh graduate
# Gaji pokok, komisi, bonus

# 5. Card Sales Executive Pria /Wanita , usia maks 30 th
# Pendidikan min D1
# Good Looking
# Networking yang luas
# Exeperience di bidang card min 6 bln
# Gaji Pokok, insentive dan bonus
# Jenjang Karier

# 6. Sales Promotion Girl Wanita, Body Proposional
# Pendidikan min SMU sederajat
# Fresh Graduate
# Good Looking, kulit putih bersih
# Komunikatf,energik
# Ori non Ori
# Tinggi min 165 cm no heels
# Fee Rp.225.000 s/d Rp.400.000
# Regular or event
# pengalaman lebih diutamakan

# 7. Unit Link Specialist Innsurance n investasi ) Pendidikan min D3
# Pria / Wanita, Usia maks 30 th
# Good Looking
# Bersedia ditraining
# gaji Pokok,Komosi n bonus
# Komunikatif

# 8. Sales Counter Pria / Wanita , Usia 19 s/d 25 th
# Pendidikan min SMA

Datang langsung bawa lamaran dan CV Lengkap ke :

HRD PT. Permata
Gd.Permata Indonesia Lt.2
Jl.Raya Kebayoran lama no.225 jakarta selatan 12220

Atau via email ke : hafiz@permataindonesia.com

Walk in Interview : Senin s/d Jum’at Jam 10.00 s/d 14.00 WIB

Up.Bapak Hafidz

Telp. ( 021 ) 987 484 26 / 0818 0758 0671

Tgl. Penutupan “Lowongan Kerja Desember 2010“ : 14 Desember 2010. Dapatkan juga update lowongan kerja desember 2010 yang lainnya di situs lowongan kerja 2010.




We are looking for passionate software developers to join our team of talented developers. We are developing web application software for business needs. We based our platform in Java Technology with the underlying UNIX infrastructure. We are passionate in what we do and strike to deliver high quality software application to our customers. We believe in what we are doing so we would like to invite you who care and love computer science to try out for our test and join our company if you are selected.


Here are the requirements for Software Developer:

1. Graduated from Computer Science Major or having the equivalent years of experience in the computer science field
2. Able to work independently without supervision and self discipline to meet the deadline
3. Able to work in team and contribute actively to the projects
4. Able to think creatively to solve problems at hand
5. Mastery of concept in data structures and algorithm is a must
6. Able to communicate in English (at least able to read computer science literature in English)
7. Able to code in Java would be a definite plus

Email your detail resume to itrecruit@scandiumsc.com with subject: Software Developer.

Fresh Graduates are welcome to try.

You will be given 2 sets of test (Logical Test and Technical Test) through email. If you pass the logical test, you will be given the technical test. If you pass them both, you will be granted the face-to-face interview where more technical questions will be asked out of you. Do check your email in box frequently during this process of interview.

Recrutment Lowongan CPNS CPNS DKI Jakarta November 2010

Recrutment Lowongan CPNS CPNS DKI Jakarta November 2010
Lowongan Kerja 4 November 2010

Recrutment Lowongan CPNS CPNS DKI Jakarta November 2010
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Nomor : 1 TAHUN 2010
Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2010.
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta kembali membuka kesempatan bagi warga untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 2010. Pemprov DKI akan menerima sebanyak 1.810 tenaga kerja baru sesuai dengan rincian yang telah ditetapkan Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi.